Employment Law Rowan Bauer Employment Law Rowan Bauer

The Remote Employment Relationship in the time of Corona and Beyond

The world may be forever changed with the onset of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic; likewise, it is not unreasonable to suggest that our working lives may never be the same again. More locally, this is especially so taking into consideration the resultant widespread remote working arrangements put into place by employers in response to the nationwide lockdown.

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Employment Law Varusha Naidoo Employment Law Varusha Naidoo

Why Lying on Your CV is NEVER a Good Idea

In today’s economically unstable and financially pressured environment which is rife with high levels of unemployment, prospective applicants for employment positions have become so desperate to meet the criteria set out in job advertisements that they often tend to exaggerate their qualifications and / or skills to land their dream position.

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