General Litigation Megan Harrington-Johnson General Litigation Megan Harrington-Johnson

Legal Protection for Cyclists

In a recent judgment handed down by the Johannesburg High Court where an 8-ton truck passed by a cyclist and its wind-rush and tail-end vortex caused the cyclist to fall and be injured, the court found that a motorist has certain duties when overtaking a cyclist.

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Family and Matrimonial Law HJW Attorneys Family and Matrimonial Law HJW Attorneys

Intimate Partner Violence

According to a study conducted by the Medical Research Council and Centre for Public Mental Health, on average, a woman dies every 8 hours at the hands of her partner. However, despite public outcry, social movements, various laws and Government strategies in place, violence against women at the hands of their partners persists.

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Family and Matrimonial Law HJW Attorneys Family and Matrimonial Law HJW Attorneys

Medical consent for children

Whilst it is clear that where only one parent holds full parental rights and responsibilities in respect of a child, that parent may consent to the child’s medical treatment without the consent of any other party, there has been some uncertainty as to the position regarding medical consent for a child’s medical treatment when both parents co-hold parental rights and responsibilities.

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