General Litigation Enhle Mtolo General Litigation Enhle Mtolo

SAA’s Hindered Takeoff

“Irregular”, “wilful misconduct” and “recklessness” were just some of the recurring terms used in the judgment handed down by Honourable Judge Ronel Tolmay of the North Gauteng High Court in Pretoria recently (27 May 2020) following an application launched against the former non-executive chairperson of South African Airways (“SAA”), Dudu Myeni.

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Employment Law Rowan Bauer Employment Law Rowan Bauer

The implied automatic termination clause: are parties on the same page?

Project-based recruiting is relatively common in South Africa and so are the related employment contracts catered to the needs of the employer’s client. Service providing employers place employees with clients in terms of fixed-term eventuality contracts. These contracts typically make provision for the contract to terminate upon termination of contract between the employer and the client, it being that the client no longer requires the services rendered by the employer.

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Gender-Based Violence: Finding Refuge during Lockdown

Imagine being trapped in your own home with your abuser. With no escape, and the only way out being a permit allowing you to do so. Terrifying thought, isn’t it? The thing is, for most women in South Africa, this has been their reality since the presidency imposed a nation-wide lockdown in a bid to stop the rapid spread of coronavirus, known as COVID-19.

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General Litigation Richard Wands General Litigation Richard Wands

Real Life Law

People are often afraid of going to lawyers. The sad reality is that the profession often has negative connotations, and sometimes for good reason. I’ve personally inherited clients that have been through the wash with other lawyers; being charged astronomical rates for very little value in return, being provided with terrible advice, poor service and left with nothing other than a hefty bill to attend to.

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Employment Law Rowan Bauer Employment Law Rowan Bauer

The Remote Employment Relationship in the time of Corona and Beyond

The world may be forever changed with the onset of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic; likewise, it is not unreasonable to suggest that our working lives may never be the same again. More locally, this is especially so taking into consideration the resultant widespread remote working arrangements put into place by employers in response to the nationwide lockdown.

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Family and Matrimonial Law HJW Attorneys Family and Matrimonial Law HJW Attorneys

It Could Become Illegal to Allow a Child to Use a Phone which can Access Pornography

Being a law firm that often works with families, children and schools, we are always shocked to see how early on in life children in South Africa are exposed to pornography. According to recent statistics, it has been found that the average age of exposure by children to hardcore pornography in South Africa is 10!

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Employment Law Varusha Naidoo Employment Law Varusha Naidoo

Why Lying on Your CV is NEVER a Good Idea

In today’s economically unstable and financially pressured environment which is rife with high levels of unemployment, prospective applicants for employment positions have become so desperate to meet the criteria set out in job advertisements that they often tend to exaggerate their qualifications and / or skills to land their dream position.

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Education Law Megan Harrington-Johnson Education Law Megan Harrington-Johnson

Potential Liability for Death or Injury of a Child at School

Five mornings out of seven every week, thousands of parents send their children off to school. What a parent is never prepared for is the child not returning later that afternoon. The recent tragedy at Hoërskool Driehoek, where a walkway in the school collapsed – claiming 4 lives and wounding 20 other scholars has led to many questions arising pertaining to who is legally responsible for the lives of children whilst they are at school.

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